It's 3am and I can't sleep

I have decided to join the Blogger circle and leave my loneliness behind at WordPress. has redirected here.

Here are my reasons for switching (I feel like I'm advertising something):

1) Several of my friends are on blogspot. I was the sole person on WordPress.
2) I am able to customize and make my own templates without having to pay a fee (On WordPress you gotta upgrade!)
3) It is Google-powered.

With that said, I really don't know what I'm going to write on this blog. It's not going to be anything specific. That's why I titled it, "Whatever comes to mind at the moment." I'll just let myself unravel on these electronic pages.

For this post, I'd like to put up this song called "He Loves Us". It's one of my favorite songs of the moment right now.

When all of a sudden, I am unaware of these afflictions eclipsed by glory
and I realize just how beautiful You are
and how great your affections are for me

If grace is an ocean, we’re all sinking

1 comment:

Mr. Nice Guy said...

yay! hooray for friends! lol!