Saving up

I am saving up to get me one of these:

NIKON D40x baby! I will join Ica and Tim's Nikon club...hopefully soon. Haha. Looks like I won't be buying anything for a long time except for food. I will probably get it at Ritz Camera since they have good warranty deals and that's where I got my last two digital point-and-shoot cameras. I remember I went there over the summer asking about the camera, and the guy was for real trying to make me buy it on the spot, so I just told him I'd come back the next day...but I never did.

Anyways, I want to get a DSLR because there is a HUGE difference in quality and it just looks so much better. And I want to improve my picture-taking skills.

Happy Halloween kids!


sharyl said...

man thats a sweet looking thing... we kinda wanna get one of those... (if we didnt spend it on a PS3). Maybe Santa will stop by and give you and me one.

Ica said...

haha.. dslr's are the way to go! heheh yay!

sharyl said...

we've had the PS3 for a week now... but its still sitting in the box. hahaha! Kuya frankie told me to hook it up but i didnt want to... coz if something happens to it, he's gonna kill me.